
Work created for and with the education sector.

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How it works


Every project is different in terms of scope, size and outcomes. But we begin all by a deep dive briefing session, preferably in person, but often virtually with many stakeholders.


Once the brief is right with the objectives and personas defined, we design and plan the product. A large scale application might take a month or two of planning. A small website might take a day.


With designs signed off and perhaps tested with specific users, we can then build. We have various methods of creation, from WordPress for 'normal' websites, to React.js and Yii backends for web applications.


We launch the project and maintain. We can host applications and websites, or we can use cloud based servers such as AWS, or your existing setup. A website or an application is a long term project so you need a long term partnership you can trust.


“Practically consistently deliver beautifully designed software that works"


What are your links with the education sector?
We have created EdTech software which we maintain and continually develop and upgrade. We have also created websites, brands and strategy for Education institutions - especially Bristol University and University of Worcester. Oh and Sam teaches design at University of Worcester. Agate was his recent star pupil. Among ourselves we also have a mix of family folks with kids still in the education system, and recent graduates.
Why should I use Practically.io for my next project?
We understand the very different worlds of startups and education. Most of all strategy is at the heart of everything we do. We would rather point you in a different direction or towards an off the shelf tool than to create the wrong thing. We are interested in becoming long-term partners.
What sort of education projects would you consider?
We like random project big and small. Our only rule is we do not have a conflict of interest with our current clients, who have a veto on anything new. Give us a call to discuss your idea.
Are you affiliated to any University?
Not officially, but we have some very close links. Our staff generally come from University of Worcester and University of Gloucester, where we also teach. Sam is a senior lecturer in design at University of Worcester.
What is EdTech?
EdTech, short for Educational Technology, refers to the use of digital tools, software, and hardware to enhance learning experiences and improve educational outcomes across various settings, from classrooms to online platforms.
What are the current trends in EdTech?
Current trends in EdTech include the integration of artificial intelligence for personalised learning experiences. Additionally, there's a growing focus on developing digital literacy skills, implementing adaptive learning platforms, and using data analytics to improve educational outcomes and tailor instruction to individual student needs.

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