Help for Startups

We love working with Start-Ups and Grow-ups to help create a brand, a prototype and to talk this all the way through to production.

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How it works


We help startups to develop their product from a very early stage. Sometimes we even help investors or product owners to see if this is a good idea and how it fits in the marketplace.


We help with branding, positioning, research and defining the product. Often this involves writing the scope and designing the UX for the application or product.


We build the MVP and help launch it out into the world.


We become partners by continually developing, supporting and nurturing your product. This happens all the way through to exit or growth!


“Practically consistently deliver beautifully designed software that works"


What is an MVP?
A Minimum Viable Product, is the most basic version of a product that includes just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future development. In other words the minimum that needs to be built to launch. It is an older term - with MLP (Minimum Loved Product) and other variants taking over. The thinking being that in a crowded market you need to offer more to a user for them to love the product.
Do you invest in Startups?
Yes we do. We invest with our time and expertise. This usually translates to sweat equity, discounted rates, or time spent to be paid back later. We therefore only help start-ups we believe in and are passionate about.
Are you involved in the "Startup World"?
Yes very much so. We look after several startups, some of which are now in their more mature stages. Namely GCSE Prepper and DS-Keywords. We advise others even at very early stages. We are also on the panel for Dojo as one of their mentors.
Is there a startup you are really proud of?
Lots. HiP was interesting. GCSE Prepper has had amazing success with academics who proved that it works. DS-Keywords is becoming a real player in the Blue Light technology sphere.
Are you expensive?
It's all relative. We are an established grown up development agency based in the UK. We are not the most expensive but we offer great value for money. Give us a call.
How should a Start-Up start?
We are big believers in the fake-it-to-make-it philosophy. But yourself time with the minimal thing you have to create in order to create a buzz while you are building whatever it is you need in the background.

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