We love working with
Bristol University South-West Life Sciences
Another project for and with Bristol University, South West Life Science is a site and organisation that brings together academics and industry with the aim to locate in the region.
Investing in industry
with academia
Part of our Bristol.ac.uk work
See for yourself

The South West is a great place to live, work and do science in!
Bristol University is the hub and focus of activity around Life Sciences in the region. And a wonderful place to live. So why do companies, labs and their staff move to Oxbridge? This campaign and project aims to kick-start growth in the region with a small team from the innovation lab at Bristol.
The client was gracious enough to offer the branding as a live project for University of Worcester 3rd year graphic design students. They briefed the students, had a question and answer session. And most of all were presented to and then chose a route.
A lovely mix of Practically strategy and know-how with student creativity.

Under the Hood
This site is built on Bristol University’s WordPress ecosystem. As such a lot of our usual tools and toys were not available to us. It is WordPress and Divi but some of our other “goodies” we use for SEO, for optimisation and for monitoring were not.
Another exercise in working around and validating our usual practices.
We are proud of…
Sam's students
Our third year students created branding including coming up with the name. Each presented to the client and they chose the route to go with. In the end they chose to merge Ross Campbell and Lois Tipping’s designs. This came to us, we tweaked a little bit and then created the website around this brand.