We loved growth hacking

Healthily Campaigns & UX Design

Helping out the wonderful Healthily, on some of their marketing. We did a few projects using their all new branding, but also showing what we believe to be good examples of UX when it comes to landing pages.

We are proud that we created an

Engageing & beautiful series of landers


SEO and campaign based UX done right

Good teamwork – client & agency


See for yourself


Delivering on engagement, SEO and information.

The first landing page to launch, though not the first we worked on, was intended to be a standard quiz which built on the stats generated from questionnaires about when and why you should visit your GP. This was 2020 when Covid and lockdown was in full effect.

We created an interactive piece rather than a more simple quiz, which took their brand new brand guidelines to new limits.

How to manage Back Pain

An idea formed during lockdown because of lockdown. Namely that we are/were all working at home wherever we can, rather than using safety approved workplace chairs and desks. Plus at the the time of launch this was when we were not legally allowed to leave our homes that much.

We helped the team from Healthily design and produce this rather successful landing page. This was the Healthily’s teams idea and vision – we designed, delivered and help strategise in an efficient manner.

During the project we also had a change in name and brand (from Your.md) so we had to weave in their rather beautiful new brand. A great example of dry subject matter made engageing, and a wonderful client/agency team who all played their part. Well done all!



Sex Quiz UX

This was for us a fairly simple project. We took an existing and very popular online Sex Quiz and solved the problem of why people were not getting past the first page of a 10 question survey.

We also added in the new Healthily brand and improved all sorts of UX as well as adding less intrusive advert slots. We achieved this by looking at the analytics, taking screenshots, redesigning aspects and then bullet-pointing items to change for the development team.

The landing pages in full

On the left is the “GP Data” project.
On the right is “Back Pain”

Under the Hood

The landing pages are static html pages that live on Healthily’s servers.

So we created the landing pages in the quickest and easiest way we know, which is to design and build on our staging servers on WordPress (we rarely design sites in Photoshop anymore) and then use our static site generator to create the file for upload.


Why we think

This project is sexy

As we have touched upon above, we are proud of a number of things on these projects. Number one we have made some dry stats and information something that is engageing, interesting, and yes sexy, as well as informative. Number two using our user orientated design method we have shown (with the sex test) how a small number of tweaks and minimal development work can prove to make a huge piece of difference.

David Gross – Head of Growth @ Healthily

“Practically always deliver.”