We love working with
JBR Capital
JBR Capital are an independent finance company for luxury and classic cars.
We take care of JBR’s full digital offering, from a new site to 1000s of SEO-friendly pages to marketing campaigns across the board and integration with CRMs. A/B Tests and UX tweaks are continual.
High Traffic
Uplift in qualified traffic (x20)
High Conversion
Conversion via various campaigns (x10)
See for yourself

We've been with JBR Capital from the beginning
And we look after all aspects of JBR’s digital output. We created a new site design and build in summer ’16 and since then have been working closely with the JBR in-house marketing and digital teams to improve all aspects of their digital presence.
2023 Brings a radical new redesign
Based not only our previous rebrand of the company but also on JBR’s growing confidence as a brand. The new redesign shows off beautiful imagery – again based around the brand guidelines we produced.

Fund Your Passion Podcast
Now in its second series we set up the design and brand and continually maintain and server the podcast for serious super car finance fanatics.

We helped JBR Capital
years as partners
Loaned up to 2022
Under the Hood
The JBR site – the base of operations – is created in WordPress. It’s responsive, fast and is bursting with content.
When we say fast, we do mean fast – through Practically’s own static site builder. In this way we convert the, admittedly bulky, WordPress back end into a streamlined beast, providing unbelievable page load speed, and additional security.
Why we really love
Working with JBR Capital
JBR capital is a prime example of how we love to work and build partnerships with our clients.
Throughout our relationship with JBR we have been involved in a huge number of different projects, all aiming at improving and streamlining the online presence, brand and user experience. In short, it’s about bringing quality leads to the site. From bringing rich content to life with exciting design, to building custom made online user tools, there is always a new challenge that the JBR team brings us, and we take each one head on.
Watch our video, or read on to find out about some our favourite projects we have done with JBR capital.

SEO Deep Dive
A large part of what we did initially has been a growth hack. This involved building 1000+ pages to pick up on car model finance natural searches, as well as countless, dynamically populated landing pages for PPC Searches. Together with testing and optimisation this has created a true success story.
Since then we have evolved JBR into its current, highly optimised, silo based architecture.

Rich Content pieces & Skyscraper articles
Some of our favourite, and most exciting projects are creating special content pieces – artworks in their own right. Great examples of these are the rather spectacular History of Porsche, Story of the Ferrari V12 Engine, or the multi piece feature on Concept Cars.
Less exciting, but perhaps even more important are the dozens of in depth guides and long tail articles we have build with the JBR team, helping skyrocket the website to the top of the Google ranking – these are only some of our extensive SEO efforts.
And every now and then there is a reason to celebrate – such as this fun little piece for JBR’s 500 million milestone
Bespoke User Tools
JBR is always looking for a better way to engage their customers, and make them stay on the site longer.
Throughout the years we have built various bespoke user tools, such as a fully integrated and dynamic Pistonheads classified car listings, or more recently the complete facelift for their interactive car finance calculator, making it more accessible, and much easier to use.
“Totes Amazeballs”
We blow the competitors
"Out of the water" with SEO
We are really proud of our search rankings, which have evolved over the years to be nothing short of outstanding. And you don’t have to take our word for it, as SearchNewsCentral did an audit, on behalf of one of their clients – a direct competitor of JBR Capital.
Read for yourself:
JBR Deep Content Wins High Rankings
Beyond the website
While we are not the mastermind behind JBR’s pay-per-click strategy, we are at the heart of the asset design and creation. From hundreds of PPC banners to bespoke Christmas e-cards, we provide a great range of digital assets to meet JBRs needs.
Chris Seawood – Head of Marketing
“Reliable, efficient and proficient at developing new strategies that always meet the brief”
How did Practically & JBR get together?
Sam will answer this one:
We have worked with JBR since the beginning of the company, outlasting pretty much all but the directors. In other words, no one can remember JBR without Practically!