We love working with
Re-Tribe is another one of those partnerships that has grown over time, with the business and digital presence adapting and changing.
Many iterations over 6+ years
Full digital partner
From podcasts to strategy
See for yourself

An ancient solution to a modern problem
Re-Tribe started off with some ex-professional sports players getting together, talking it out and realising that the thing they needed most, and missed most was their “Tribe” – their team and the collective purpose. In turn this leads to a downward spiral of mental health and substance problems.
Thus was born Re-Tribe which is a way to literally re-tribe – to make new groups of people with similar problems.
Under the Hood
Re-Tribe has had many re-incarnations. The latest, which we are especially proud of, is aimed primarily at the “corporate” market, so that the lovely folks at Re-Tribe can go in to place such as WeWork and do seminars and sessions.
Re-Tribe have just completed and overfunded their Kickstarter campaign.
This project is sexy
Alongside the standard website is the community hub – a fully featured social network in its own right where members can create their own tribes.
The my.re-tribe.com system has also been through many iterations. As it grows in popularity we will be creating mobile apps and looking at additional features.
Also sexy, we think, is the Re-Tribe branding. It is a grungy laurel representing those initial sports players, who are now a little jaded and in need of ‘righting’.

We have worked with the Re-tribe team to launch a brand new campaign, focusing on challenging the current discourse around masculinity and what “real men” should look and act like.
We have designed & built a simple landing page website, however the design was key in delivering the core message in effective and impactful way. The aim being to merge a “masculine visage” with a new “tender” message.
Take a look for yourself, and get involved.
Branding for ReTribe
ReTribe asked us to call out the initial and still current branding work we did for them.
The identity is the project’s mission made manifest. ReTribe is about fixing that loss of your team, most keenly felt when you are an elite sportsman or woman. Hence the grunge effect and those laurels – which now become a figurative prison.

Tough through Tender Conversations Podcast
Leading naturally from #TenderIsTheNewTough is this podcast series where Nick Rothwell speaks to sports men and women as well as therapists and psychologists – all of whom have dealt with or been through addiction. Practically.io are the producers for this first series.
How did Practically & Re-Tribe get together?
"I've know Sam professionally for 17 years."
What were your expectations?
"I always have high expectations when working with Practically because they always have delivered the highest of standards"
How do you feel the project went over all
"All of our projects go well, we have a relationship that goes beyond brief to execution."
Any other thoughts?
"We will continue to work with Practically because they have become a part of what we do."
“Sam and his team have become more than a supplier. They have become our friends. They are passionate about what they do and they put their hearts into their work. They really do have empathy for their clients. Sometimes this means being honest and communicating things that you might not want to hear, but they are the best solutions. We Love Practically!!“
Nick Rothwell – Co-Founder of Re-Tribe
“Sam and his team - true geeks with true solutions“