Web Apps

A business web application, in its essence, is software that you get to via a browser. The app is therefore a dynamic website combined with server-side programming to provide functionalities such as interacting with users, connecting to back-end databases.

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How it works


Every project is different in terms of scope, size and outcomes. But we begin all by a deep dive briefing session, preferably in person but often virtually with many stakeholders. We have a number of methods to ensure the strategy is right.


Once the brief is right with the objectives and personas defined, we design and plan the product. A large scale application might take a month or two of planning. A small website might take a day.


With designs signed off and perhaps tested with specific users, we can then build. We have various methods of creation, from WordPress for 'normal' websites, to React.js and Yii backends for web applications.


We launch the project and maintain. We can host applications and websites, or we can use cloud based servers such as AWS, or your existing setup. A website or an application is a long term project so you need a long term partnership you can trust.

Neil Goddard of FENs

“I think that is rather special.”


What is a web app?
A web app (or web application) is an interactive website that functions like a software application. Unlike traditional websites, which primarily display static content, web apps are designed for users to interact with dynamic features and perform tasks online. Our agency specializes in designing and developing custom web apps tailored to your business processes. Whether you need a streamlined tool for internal use or a fully scalable product for your customers, we create solutions that are user-friendly, secure, and optimized for performance.
What makes a web app different from a website?
A website is generally informational and content-focused. It’s designed to present information, such as text, images, videos, and other static content. Think of a business website, a blog, or a portfolio—these sites are primarily for displaying information, with limited user interaction (like navigating pages or submitting a contact form). A web app, on the other hand, is built for interactivity and functionality. It allows users to perform tasks, manipulate data, or engage with complex features directly within the browser. Web apps are dynamic and can provide personalized experiences based on user input. Examples include online banking platforms, project management tools, and e-commerce dashboards.
Where do you host a web application?
We can host your web application on our managed servers, ensuring optimal performance, security, and scalability. Our hosting environment is tailored to support web applications, with features like high availability, load balancing, and regular backups. We also provide comprehensive support and maintenance, so you don’t have to worry about managing the infrastructure. If you have a preferred cloud provider or want more control over your hosting, we’re happy to accommodate that. We can help with setup, configuration, and ongoing management on any platform that best suits your application’s requirements.
Do all start-ups need a web application at their heart?
A web application can be a powerful asset if your start-up’s value proposition relies on delivering interactive services, managing data, or providing a unique online user experience. However, not every start-up requires this level of interactivity or complexity. If your primary goal is to build brand awareness, showcase your products or services, or drive conversions, a well-designed website might be more suitable.
What's the process for creating a web application?
Our process for creating a web application is designed to ensure we deliver a solution that perfectly aligns with your business goals, user needs, and technical requirements. Here’s an overview of how we approach web app development: 1. Discovery & Planning - we begin by understanding your vision, goals, and the challenges your app aims to solve. 2. UI/UX Design - once we have a clear strategy, we move into designing a user-friendly and visually appealing interface. 3. Development - with the designs approved, our development team brings the app to life. 4. Testing & Quality Assurance - we rigorously test the app to ensure it’s bug-free, secure, and performs well. 5. Deployment & Launch - once the app is thoroughly tested and ready, we deploy it. 6. Post-Launch Support & Maintenance - our partnership doesn’t end at launch. We will continue to monitor, update and troubleshoot as needed.
How long does a web app take to create?
The timeline for creating a web application can vary widely depending on several factors, including the complexity of the app, the features required, and the scope of the project. We work closely with you to develop a realistic timeline based on your specific needs and project scope. Our goal is to ensure that your web application is delivered on time and meets your expectations for quality and functionality.

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