Speed with websites is largely about caching of resources. We explain what, why and how we do things at Practically.
Practically Academy
The Practically Academy is what we used to call Show and Tell and it has evolved into so much more. Not only is this the place for our Heather Smalls moments but it is also where the team learns and shows what can be done.
Diagrams to live your life by
As part of our Practically Academy Sam shared a whole series of diagrams that help in the strategy work that he does, and beyond.
Digital for Charities: Encouraging adoption & responsible pet ownership?
In the first of a series of posts about digital capability for charities, designer Agate Madara Brice shares her dissertation discussing how she would help a local dog home gain more adoptions and gain awareness in general…
Why is ChatGPT and generative AI okay for industry but not for education?
Or, Why is ChatGPT and generative AI okay for industry but not for education?
Perennial Blog Posting Strategy
A blogging strategy that will save you time, increase your SEO health, make that content calendar easy to deal with and help with your sanity.
Start a new development project on the right foot
Multiple times in Web Development you will go through the process of creating a new repository for a new application or project that you are tasked to build. We think it is really important to get the order of tasks correct at the start of a new application…
Accessibility Web Design Rules – Our upgraded website for NHS
Things we learnt by creating highly accessible website designs for the NHS & university sectors. Recent pitches and web briefs have put accessibility high on their list of needs, which is a great sign. However accessibility, just like GDPR, needs to be taken in context…
Yii2 application static analysis with Psalm
Practically has developed a Psalm Yii2 plugin as a static analyser for making sure your object types are refined and defined.
Teaching Excellence Through a Year of Challenge & Change
Our very own Sam Collett presented at the University of Worcester’s Leaning and Teaching Conference 2021, whose theme this year was Maintaining Teaching Excellence Through a Year of Challenge and Change.
Service Broker Introduction
A service broker is a way of provisioning services and binding them to applications. With a service broker you can provision a database and bind it to a deployment.
Mkcert all the things
After Ade Attwood’s recent dive into TLS and creating server certificates with a root ca. This is a much simpler way with mkcert…
The eclectic sounds of (many) generations – Facebook’s ‘10 albums’ challenge
Any DJ would turn grey if presented with the mix of music we like to listen to at Practically towers. Not that we think our taste would be bad - it...
Yii2 stream responses
In your Yii2 controller, it is quite common practice to return the stream of a file to the browser for your user to download. However, it’s not so well documented you can set any stream reference as the content of your response.
Named regex matches in php
When dealing with those pesky regular expressions trying to get our matches by their index, making your code that little less readable.
Up and running with Kubernetes and Microk8s
Canonical have been doing some awesome work with Microk8s. This program makes it super simple to get up and running fast with Kubernetes.
Git Repository Clean Up
After you have been developing a project for some time your local git repo can become detached from the repository on ‘origin’. Here are a few commands you can run to clean things up a bit when you feel things are getting cluttered.
Phenotype Definition
The word ‘phenotype’ is a biological term and is best explained by examining the differences between the ‘phenotype’ and ‘genotype’ of living organisms…