Git Repository Clean Up

by George Cadwallader
After you have been developing a project for some time your local git repo can become detached from the repository on ‘origin’. Here are a few commands you can run to clean things up a bit when you feel things are getting cluttered.
Aug 20, 2019
After you have been developing a project for some time, your local git repo can become detached from the repository on ‘origin’. You can end up having lots of local branches that are not needed because they have been merged in already, or all of the remote branches that are no longer on the remote. There are a few commands you can run to clean things up when things are getting cluttered.

The first one is super simple – we want to remove all the references that are no longer on the remote. This can be done by executing our first clean up command:

git fetch --prune

Then we can remove any of the old branches that have already been merged. For that we can use the below command:

git --no-pager branch --merged | grep -Ev 'master|^\*' | xargs git branch -d

The first command gets a listing all the branches that have already been merged:

git --no-pager branch --merged

Next we need to remove the branches we want to keep. This is being done with a reverse regex


(anything separated by the


is a or). The first one is the master branch we obviously don’t want to remove that. The next one is the branch starting with a


or in our case this is the branch you are currently on. Feel free to add any other branch names in here; for instance


if you’re using the git flow workflow:

grep -Ev 'master|^\*'

Lastly we want to delete all the branches that are being printed out. This bit is simple – we can just use the

git branch -d

command and run it with


so we can pipe to the command. You may want to leave this last bit off on the first run so you can see what branches will be deleted as there is no


flag for this delete command:

xargs git branch -d

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