
Selling things or services on the web? We have you covered either with off-the-shelf solutions, such as WooCommerce or Shopify, or by more enterprise level custom web applications.

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How it works


Every project is different in terms of scope, size and outcomes. But we begin all by a deep dive briefing session, preferably in person, but often virtually with many stakeholders.


Once the brief is right with the objectives and personas defined, we design and plan the product. A large scale application might take a month or two of planning. A small website might take a day.


With designs signed off and perhaps tested with specific users, we can then build. We have various methods of creation, from WordPress for 'normal' websites, to React.js and Yii backends for web applications.


We launch the project and maintain. We can host applications and websites, or we can use cloud based servers such as AWS, or your existing setup. A website or an application is a long term project so you need a long term partnership you can trust.

Stu, Owner of ATBShop

"The project was a work in development for 20 years! Always adapting and changing with new technology and best practice."


What platform is best for my e-commerce website?
The best platform depends on your business needs. We work with popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and custom-built solutions. We’ll help you choose the one that aligns with your budget, technical requirements, and scalability goals.
How long does it take to develop an e-commerce website?
Development time varies based on the project scope, including the number of products, required features, and customizations. A standard e-commerce website may take 4-6 weeks, while a more complex application with extensive integrations can take 6 months or more.
Can you integrate payment gateways and other third-party tools?
Yes, we integrate a wide range of payment gateways (like PayPal, Stripe, etc.) and third-party tools for shipping, inventory management, CRM systems, and more to streamline your operations and improve customer experience.
Will my e-commerce website be secure?
Absolutely. We follow best practices for e-commerce security, including SSL certificates, secure payment processing, data encryption, and compliance with standards like PCI-DSS. Protecting your customers’ data and ensuring secure transactions is a top priority.
Can you help with SEO and marketing for my e-commerce store?
Yes, we offer SEO and digital marketing services to help drive traffic to your store. This includes keyword optimization, product page enhancements, content marketing, and integration with social media and email marketing platforms.
Will my e-commerce website be scalable as my business grows?
Yes, we design e-commerce websites with scalability in mind. Whether you need to add more products, handle higher traffic, or expand features as your business grows, we ensure that your website can easily adapt to meet your future needs.

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